Flipper Zero

The Flipper Zero is a portable multi-functional device developed for interaction with access control systems. The device is able to read, copy, and emulate RFID and NFC tags, radio... Wikipedia

  • Release date:  August 2020
  • Operating system:  FreeRTOS
  • CPU:  STMicroelectronics STM32WB55
  • Memory:  256 KB RAM, 1024 KB Flash
  • Removable storage:  Micro SD (up to 256 GB)
  • Display:  Monochrome LCD, 1.4-inch, 128 × 64 pixels
  • Connectivity:  NFC, 125 kHz RFID, Sub-1 GHz Radio, Infrared port, GPIO pins, Bluetooth LE, USB 2.0, 1-Wire
  • Dimensions:  100 x 40 x 25 mm
  • Weight:  104 grams
  • Data source:  DuckDuckGo

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